Charity of the Year 

Make sure you follow us on our social media channels to keep up to date on what else we’re doing to help support this important cause.

Charity of the Year 

We are delighted to announce that the Make-A-Wish Foundation will be our charity of the year from 1st April 2022 until 31st March 2023.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps fulfil the wishes of children with a critical illness between the ages of 2½ and 18 years old.

Make-A-Wish exists to give a child with the chance to choose a wish that's unique to them. In doing so, a wish creates hope, happiness, and memories for the whole family to cherish. It helps to restore some of the childhood that they missed out on because treatment for their condition interrupted school or typical family activities.

Wishes take time and money to organise and we are delighted to help make dreams come true for children within our local area.

For more information about Make-A-Wish Click here

Taking the leap to support Make-A-Wish! 

In April 2023, some of our more intrepid employees will be undertaking a skydive to raise some necessary funds to make even more dreams come true!

We listened to the carbon footprint concern of our members and so the company we have chosen to work with ensures all their jumps are carbon neutral.  Skydive Tilstock are the only skydiving club in the UK to offset the carbon generated by their aircraft during a skydive.

If you would like to support our skydive, visit our go fund me page, where all funds raised will received by the Make-a-Wish foundation. 

Bringing magic to the UK for children living with critical conditions 

In September, a group of volunteers were accepted to take part in a once in a lifetime event alongside our charity of the Year, Make-A-Wish. 

Acting as Event & Experience Host volunteers, they had the truly unique opportunity to help bring Disney to the UK, and in doing so helping revive childhoods for those whose have been lost to critical illness. 

This rare day at an enchanted Manor allowed our volunteers to support in making the wish experience magical for the entire family, creating memories to last a lifetime. 

Bear Grylls Adventure Wish Alumni day

In July, Make-a-Wish organised an amazing day to celebrate their Wish Alumni children and provided them with a fun trip with their families, at the Bear Grylls Adventure centre in Birmingham.  

Eight Society employees had the lovely opportunity to volunteer to greet wish families at the carpark, direct them to the venue and meet the families in reception. It truly was a fantastic day and a pleasure to meet some of the children.